The number of teachers in a classroom is one of the factors of quality child care. The ratio of teachers to students is mandated by individual states and varies across age groups, but the ratios are put into place to ensure that children in a daycare setting receive the best care possible. The most notable benefits of proper ratios take place when there are more teachers in the classroom, and that occurs because of a couple of things:

Maintains Safety

One of the primary reasons states dictate how many teachers must be in a daycare classroom is to ensure that all children are safe at all times. In infant daycare classrooms, there might be one teacher for every six children or even as many as one teacher for every three children. Ratios in classrooms with preschool age children are higher with one teacher to every 15 or 20 students. The level of supervision, depending on age, is crucial because it reduces the risk of injury and potentially harmful accidents.

Helps Meet Individual Needs

Proper teacher to child ratios ensure that the needs of each student are met properly and within an appropriate time frame. When there are several teachers for a group of infants, for example, diaper changes and feedings can happen more frequently and more on demand than when a teacher as many babies to care for at the same time. The same goes for older children. More teachers means more immediate assistance with educational activities, problems with peers or injuries.

Increases Social and Emotional Development

The fewer children a teacher is responsible for, the more quality social interaction they have. Growing children need adequate amounts of attention, including plenty of one-on-one time with an adult caregiver. Children who receive immediate attention when necessary feel safe and secure, which is essential for normal social and emotional development. Children in classrooms with an appropriate teacher to child ratio are also more likely to work well with others, respect authority and cooperate with adults. For infants, proper ratios increase the chances that a baby will imitate the sounds of language and imitate the gestures of others earlier in their development.

Encourages Academic Achievement

Daycare centers have enormous potential to lay the groundwork for a promising academic future. When teachers are able to work closely with fewer students, they are also able to provide more in-depth, authentic learning experiences. Appropriate teacher to child ratios are also correlated with higher standardized test scores and increased participation in classroom activities.

As you are looking for a daycare center for your child, reach out to a few local centers, like Mendon Child Care Ctr, to find out more about their individual practices.
