If you are in the process of choosing a daycare center for your child, you will have to determine its location. Should it be near your work or your home? The truth is that there isn't a definite answer to this question. 

What you consider a perfect choice for yourself might not be for others. Everyone's ideal choice is determined by the family situation and obligations. To help you make an informed decision, here are the pros and cons of each option. 

Day Care Near Home

When you decide to bring your child to a center that's close to your residence, you will enjoy many flexibilities. It will be easy for any parent or family member to drop off or pick up the child, even if they work near or far away from home. 

This also means you won't have to deal with situations like a hungry or sleepy child while commuting back home because the distance isn't long. Neighborhood daycares also allow you to make friends with other parents in your locality and will offer flexibility in case you wish to change jobs. 

The primary disadvantage of picking a daycare center close to home is when you get a call to go and pick up a hurt or sick child. That short drive will seem like a long one. Also, allowing your kid to go to the center while still breastfeeding may be difficult.

Day Care Near Work

Choosing a center close to your work can also be convenient. It will be easy to collect your child once you are done with work or when the child becomes unwell. You get a unique chance to spend more time with your children while commuting to and from the daycare center. 

You may also opt to drop in and check on them during the lunch break, and activities like parent's day will be managed easily. If you are still breastfeeding, you can walk to the center and breastfeed your child whenever you take a work break.

However, it won't be easy to meet local parents, change your work location, or get family members to help with the drop-off or pick-up. Also, the daily long trips to and fro might not be convenient for the little ones, mainly if they are hungry or tired.

So, as you pick the location of your daycare center, you should be flexible to accommodate any changes in your life or career. Note that location will weigh heavily on this decision, so analyze all possibilities to make a smart choice.
